Heather Howe
Heather Howe is a 1994 graduate of McGill University’s Physical Therapy program in Montreal, Canada. After graduating, Heather returned to her home province of New Brunswick and began working as a Physiotherapist for the Workers Rehabilitation Center treating adults with injuries sustained while on the job, ranging from trauma and amputations to complex regional pain syndrome and repetitive strain injuries. After several years of treating the injured worker, Heather moved into the role of Case Manager for the compensation system actively managing 80 to 100 claims at any given time. In 2004, Heather decided to make the move to private practice in the field of disability management and held several positions from Clinician and Educator to Manager of Clinical Services. Heather’s area of expertise as a clinician was in the delivery of functional capacity evaluations followed by a workplace accommodation and educating employers on their duty to accommodate both short term and long term.
In July of 2020, Heather completed her certification as a Canadian Life Care Planner. Heather has completed plans for both the plaintiff and defense. We are thrilled to have Heather join our team of Associates.